Multiplication with 9/ 99 / 999 and so on.

we know, 789 × 999 = 788,211

You will get the answers in two parts,

The left hand side of the answer: subtract 1 from 789, which is 788
The right hand side of the answer subtract 789 from 1000 = 1000-789= 211
Thus, 999 x 789 = 789-1   |  1000-789 = 788, 211 (answer)

{for the right hand side of the answer, 789 should be subtracted from (999+1)}

or,  99999 x 78 = 78-1   | 100000 - 78

= 7799922

{78 should be subtracted from (99999+1)}

Another example:

1203579 × 9999999 = 1203579-1   | 10000000- 1203579

=120357887964 21

Number in red is 1 less than 1203579. Number in blue is (10000000-1203579). Hence the answer.

This method has to be altered a little bit when number of 9s are lessers than the number of digit in the divisor.

1432  x 9 = 1432 (10 – 1) = 14320 – 1432 = 12888

So for multiplication with 9, put a zero after that number and subtract the number itself from that.

Likewise for 99 put two zeroes after that number .

3256 x 99 = 325600 – 3256 =  322344


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